Stem Cell Donor Registry – An Overview

Individuals who volunteer stem cell donation for a friend or a loved one should match with the person who’s receiving it. It might not be possible to get a match with family or friends timely, and even if you get, you may not get an appropriate match. A stem cell match is about 30 percent likely in a family. A stem cell donor registry collects stem cells that can make you available with the right match timely. People who want to help allogeneic transplantation for others can donate their stem cells to this registry.

Every year so many people are diagnosed with diseases such as blood cancer, Thalassemia, and others. A matching stem cell can provide 60-80 percent chances of curing the disease. The stem cell match generally depends primarily on ethnicity.

A stem cell donor registry consists of a database from the potential donors which can be matched whenever the necessity arises. The identified donor is then counseled and examined medically for the donation process.

Who can donate stem cells?

The following eligibility should be met for stem cell donation:

  • Aged between 18-45
  • If you have donated platelets or blood two times in the previous 2 years.
  • If you have no long term illness or medication and are healthy.
  • No case of jaundice in the past

Who are not eligible?

You cannot be a stem cell donor if:

  • Under 18 or Above 45
  • You are overweight
  • HIV positive or have Hepatitis C or V virus
  • Injected with bodybuilding medications
  • If you had heart illness, cancer, epilepsy, stroke, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, or any chronic disease.

What is done?

Bone marrow or cord blood stem cell donor has stem cells that have HLA-Human Leucocyte Antigen. For identifying a potential donor, a blood test is carried out to understand the donor’s type of HLA. A one-time fee of 75-100 dollars are charged for this test. Any volunteer who joins the registry will be in the database until the age of 60 for their tissue type.

Pregnant women can donate cord blood to the baby. However, arrangements are supposedly made prior to the 3rd semester. It is essential to understand that the donation is free, safe, and has no impact on the delivery process.

What happens before a donation?

When a suitable match is found for the recipient, the donor is made aware of the process of transplantation. A consent of willing and risks involved in the donation is informed and obtained before the process. It is ensured to a donor that it’s a choice from their side, and there is no pressure involved. Post which a medical examination and further blood tests are done to ensure the donor is healthy.

How are stem cells collected?

Stem cell collection is from bone marrow, umbilical Cord blood, and Peripheral stem cells.

How do stem cells help?

  • Donating stem cells helps the recipient and in the future yourself too. A single unit of cord blood can provide sufficient stem cells for any adult.
  • Certain diseases can be potentially treated with a stem cell transplant.
  • Stem cells can treat illnesses such as thalassemia, blood cancer, hemophilia, and sickle-cell anemia.


A stem cell donor registry can save millions of lives by providing a suitable match to the recipient. Stem cells are obtained from cord blood or PBSC-peripheral blood stem cell or bone marrow. These stem cells are later used for the patient’s treatment.

Gift of Life Marrow Registry Also Offers Following Services :

Blood Cancer Donor
AML Leukemia Bone Marrow Transplant
Bone Marrow Registry Age
Bone Marrow Registry Search

Contact US:

Gift of Life Marrow Registry
Address:  800 Yamato Rd suite 101  Boca Raton, FL
Phone: (800) 962-7769

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