Battling Bugs In The Workplace This Summer

Battling Bugs in The Home and Office This Summer

solutions for pest control

We spend a lot of time in Arizona, and bugs are big and creepy there. While this blog post may touch on some of the insects and rodents found there, some of these solutions are universal no matter which state you are in. Enjoy this usable resource and make sure to apply some of these tips to prevent bugs from infesting your home or office this summer.

There’s just no nice way to say it:  summer can be excruciating. The long, hot, dry days with little rain and scorching hot temperatures make summertime feel like the heat just envelopes you, just like when you open your heated oven. To make matters worse, the bugs come out to play in the sun and finding a way to keep your home or office protected is an important endeavor. Finding a pest control solution for your home or office is an even more important endeavor.

While there are millions of different species of insects, only a handful of them seem to invade homes and offices on a regular basis. The best way to combat the bugs is to know what to look for and how to discourage them from moving into your abode. Not all bugs are attracted to the same elements; for instances, some thrive on water sources while others avoid them. Knowing how to prepare for these unwelcome summer visitors and how to dissuade them from returning means preparing now.

While tarantulas are scary looking, with their big, hairy, slow moving arms and body, they aren’t necessarily dangerous. Their bite will hurt, but they are not poisonous; just ugly and frightening. They like to hang out in grassy areas that have sandy and dry soil and at the base roots of plants. They may also make nests in your house, in attic spaces and darkened corners, and they only come out at night. Tarantulas like clutter, so any spot that gives them a place to nest, they will take it, like old sheds or old, empty boxes. You can use various powders to kill tarantulas but chemical sprays don’t work as well, since they don’t absorb the poison through their feet. You will also need to remove the clutter so they don’t return.

scorpion removal

Summer is also prime time for scorpions, every desert dwellers nightmare. These suckers may be small, but they pack a painful punch if you happen to be stung by one. While they aren’t deadly, the venom they produce, especially the small ones, can cause breathing problems, especially in people who are allergic. The ones to truly watch out for are the bark scorpions; these nasty little guys are the only type of scorpion that can move vertically. All other scorpions are relegated to floors. To dissuade scorpions from hanging around your house, there are a few simple tricks, including changing your outdoor bulbs from white to yellow. White bulbs attract bugs; bugs attract scorpions, who then eat the bugs. The fewer bugs, the fewer scorpions. Win-win. Also, scorpions like those built up woodpiles, to make sure to use caution when picking up the wood around your home or office. Make sure you seal your property tightly; check the weather stripping around windows and doors to keep scorpions at bay.

While termites stay busy all year long, the especially like the summer months because this is when they build their mud tubes, or the chambers that take them directly to your house. If you keep firewood outside your home, make sure it is stored on racks above the ground and as far away from your home as possible. There are several ways to fight termites before they take a bite out of your home. You can make a boric acid and water mixture and paint it on a piece of wood outside your home. The termites will be drawn to it, but the poison will kill them. Termites don’t like white vinegar and lemon juice, either, so spraying the concoction on the affected area should eventually rid your home and office of them.

Probably the most nefarious insect of them all is the dreaded cockroach. Cockroaches just love the warm summers, and they will come out in droves. Once the summer monsoons hit and the immense rainwater fills the sewers, the roaches will start moving into homes looking for food. The best way to fight these dirty creatures is to keep your areas clean and free of food and debris. Take out the trash often, too. Make sure your home is sealed and that any holes in screens or fixed or replaced. Don’t give them an entryway into your home!

cockroach infestation

There are some simple steps you can take to ensure your home is not overrun with bugs during the summer. First, any outdoor items like chairs, toys, rugs, etc., should stay outside. Any items brought inside should be thoroughly cleaned, first. Outdoor furniture is often a beacon for spiders and other nesting bugs; make sure you clean off your patio furniture before you use it! If you see a build-up of water by your home, you are inviting bugs over for a party. Mosquitoes especially love standing water, but termites use water to build their mud tunnels and scorpions are drawn to water, too. You will need to keep your landscaping in check to make sure pests don’t decide to take up residence in your yard, and eventually, your house. Warmer states are also home to some beautiful fruit trees, but if they just litter your yard with dead fruit, the bugs will come. Fruit flies will have a frenzy with rotting fruit lying around, so make sure to care for your fruit trees.

When all else fails, a professional Pest Control Company can help you devise a plan to kill the critters that are plaguing you. They can offer you regular pest control appointments to ensure your home is protected all year long. You can start by finding a company that will give you a free assessment and tips on how to keep your home bug-free.  You will want your exterminators to be certified, experienced and to stand by their work; a reputable company will come back and spray again if the problem persists. Ask your family and friends for recommendations and check the Better Business Bureau and similar websites for ratings. Summertime is tough enough; no one wants to have to constantly battle bugs and the heat. Preparing early and finding a trusted, professional service are the best ways to keep your home free and clear!





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